Madame Pirie is making it our mission to support local healthcare workers in the best way we know how…with a new bra! Our customers know the importance of a high quality bra in getting through their day comfortably. Most of our local healthcare workers are on their feet for 12 hour shifts. Let’s give them the support they need!
Madame Pirie is planning to give $100 care packages to women in healthcare. We hope our customers will match our donation and co-sponsor them for $50 each. In addition to a new bra from one of our leading brands, we will add other goodies to each care package to make our healthcare workers feel appreciated!
They are putting their health and safety on the line to protect us. Let’s give them the support they need to get through their stressful days, free from discomfort and pain.
After our customers co-sponsor one of our wonderful local healthcare workers, Madame Pirie will assemble their COVID-19 care package and deliver it contact-free to their workplace. We will add a note crediting you as a co-sponsor, unless you wish you to remain anonymous.
Click here to choose one of the healthcare workers that have requested a care package.